Using good and right correctly

Using good and right correctly

Written by Lilian Ndongmo. ESL Teacher

Most of my students, especially native French speakers still have problems using the adjectives good and right correctly both in speaking and writing. This is mainly because the word ” bon” in French commonly translates as good or right in English. The confusion in usage stems from this, and the fact that good and right have slightly but important differences in meaning which help in determining which to use in a given context.

Look at these sentences. Can you guess which is correct?

1. He is a good man.  2.  He is a right man.

3. He is the good man.  4.  He is the right man.

Only numbers 1 and 4 are correct. Did you guess right? Good job. If you didn’t, don’t worry. Below, you will find explanations with examples on how to use good and right. There’s also a quiz for you to practice at the bottom of this post.

Usage of good

Good is the opposite of bad. Use good in the following situations:

1. Something or someone admirable, virtuous, morally excellent or admirable, not negative, having high or positive qualities. Examples: He is a good man. This is good food.

2. Suitable or efficient for a purpose, satisfactory in terms of quality, quantity or degree. Examples: She is a good teacher. John is in good health. An athlete has to be in good shape to compete in the Olympic games. These are good leather shoes.

3. Right, proper or acceptable. ExampleYour grades are not good for this program.

4. Beneficial or advantageous. Example: Vegetables and fruit are good for your health.

5. Something that is not decayed or rancid;  whole, not broken

Example: The bread that we baked two weeks ago is still good.

6. To express kindness or generosity.  Example:  You are good to me.

7. Something that is rich and fertile. Example: The soil in this area is good for planting tomatoes.

8. Something that is valid or genuine. Example: I have good reasons for telling her not to buy this car.

9. Well-behaved or obedient.  Example: Roger is a good son. My bulldog called Whoopie is a good dog.

10. Relatively extensive, large, high, tall, far or long. Examples: Montreal is a good distance away from Toronto. This building is a good 150 meters higher than this one.

11. Sufficient or enough. Example: The beaver has a good supply of food to last its family all winter.

Usage of right

Right is the opposite of wrong.  Use right in the following situations:

1. Something or someone that is suitable, appropriate or proper. Example: This is the right job for me.

2. Acceptable moral, ethical or legal behaviour. Examples: What is the right way to address the Queen of England? Is it right to harass your colleagues at work?

3. A fact, truth, reason. Example: The right answer is written at the back of the book.

4. Favourable, preferred, convenient. Example: This is not the right time to talk to Jane about your problems because she has just lost her job.

5. Mentally or physically healthy. Example: Shaku is a very powerful and feared ruler of his tribe. No man in his right senses dares disobey him.

6. Correct in opinion or judgment. Example: I was right but you chose not to believe me.

7. Organised or orderly. Example: After you  wash the dishes please but them in their right places. 

Some definitions taken from Collins English dictionary

Using right and good quiz

Complete the sentences by choosing the right answer.